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Principal Rae Donovan


Hello FCS Community!

In 2011, I biked from my home in New York City to Montreal and somewhere along Greenbush Road, I fell in love with Vermont. After years of working as a classroom teacher in places such as Brooklyn, Guatemala, New Orleans, and Austin, I settled in Ferrisburgh with my two daughters who now attend FCS. In Vermont, I continued to work in education with an emphasis on student and family well being. I worked as a teacher, the director of a residential treatment home for adolescents and as a Coordinator for Social and Emotional Learning.

I have my Masters in Education as well as a law degree from City University of New York, and continue to read, explore and learn every day. 

My educational philosophy is that we must prepare our students to be empathetic, flexible and creative lifelong learners who can contribute to making their communities strong and connected. School should be an engaging and meaningful place for students, staff and the broader community. I am so grateful to be part of the amazing team at FCS!

I can be reached by email at


Principal's Corner

FCS Connections 1/12/25
Rachael Donovan

FCS Families,

We had an interesting week without access to the internet and phones for a few days. I'm grateful for our families and staff being flexible and figuring out how to problem solve. I saw some amazing things happen in classrooms this week; as they say "necessity is the mother of invention" and I saw lots of inventiveness!

A a reminder, we are looking for "words in the wild" themed student design submissions for our apparel store school swag. You don't need to use the paper I sent home, any circle design will do. Black pen or marker only please!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family!

Thank you,


Click here for a list of our upcoming board meetings

Here are a few upcoming dates:

Tuesday, January 14 5:30- 7:00 Tech FAST (Tech Free After School Tuesdays) Night RSVP Here! We don't want to run out of pizza so please RSVP ASAP! We look forward to another cozy night of crafts, games and conversation!

Monday, January 20 No school for students or staff; Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 21 No school for students; Inservice Day for Staff

Rachael Donovan

FCS Families,

It has been great to see our students this week for a couple days and we hope they can get lots of rest over the weekend to get ready for a full week of school. I hope you have a great weekend! I don't see any snow on the forecast for the next ten days but I am hoping for it anyway!

As a reminder, all students must wear jackets, hats, boots, and gloves outside when it is below 30 degrees. Some of our students are struggling to follow these guidelines, even when they have the items at school, and insist they are fine in a sweatshirt. I know our Vermont students are tough :) and I appreciate that they can acclimate to our cold climate but we need to ensure safety for all, which means following guidelines in cold weather. Please remind your child that wearing warm clothes preserves their energy and enables them to have more fun.

Thank you!


Click here for a list of our upcoming board meetings

Here are a few upcoming dates:

Tuesday, January 14 Tech FAST (Tech Free After School Tuesdays) Night RSVP Here! We don't want to run out of pizza so please RSVP ASAP! We look forward to another cozy night of crafts and conversation!

Monday, January 20 No school for students or staff; Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 21 No school for students; Inservice Day for Staff

FCS Connections 12/29/24
Rachael Donovan

FCS Families,

I hope you have had (and continue to have) a wonderful winter vacation with your families. We look forward to seeing your children at school on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025!

I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

I was reminded recently that before we start making resolutions or thinking of ways to improve for the new year, we should take a moment to appreciate ourselves for all the hard work we did this year. You took care of people, learned new skills, navigated challenges and created magical moments for the ones you love.  If you are like me, you may have played endless games of UNO, cut dozens of suddenly itchy tags out of clothes, read hundreds of bedtime stories, and spent many moments wondering what exactly to make for dinner that everyone will eat!

I hope you have time to reflect on how amazing you already are and how much you already do to take care of yourself and others. 

Here are a few upcoming dates:

Tuesday, January 14 Tech FAST (Tech Free After School Tuesdays) Night RSVP Here!

Monday, January 20 No school for students or staff; Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 21 No school for students; Inservice Day



FCS Connections 12/15/24
Rachael Donovan

FCS Families,

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and were able to brave the cold and get some vitamin D from the sunshine! We had a busy and wonderful week with Words in the Wild expeditions, Community Morning and our winter Family Luncheon!

We hope to see you at our Tuesday night TECH Fast (free dinner!) for making crafts, cards and wrapping paper!

Thank you!



FCS PTO PayPal donation link (you do not need PayPal to use the link, it allows you to pay with a card.) Feel free to share this link with anyone looking for a good way to give a meaningful donation that will directly impact students lives. 


Tuesday, December 17th Tech F.A.S.T.(Tech Free After School Tuesdays) 5:30-7:00 Free dinner and fun crafts! This could be a great time to make your homemade cards, wrapping paper or crafts for gifts! RSVP Here!

December 23- January 1 Winter Vacation

Rachael Donovan

FCS Families,

We have snow! I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend in this winter wonderland! I got the sleds out, but we didn't make it to the sledding hill yet. We did set up a Hot Cocoa stand on the front porch on Saturday and were very excited when we got one customer!

Here is a link to some fun indoor activities, since it sure is getting dark early!

We made salt dough ornaments and are in the process of painting them today.  All you need is salt and flour and some paint. I like activities with very few materials needed :)

Feel free to send me any of your winter indoor or outdoor adventures and I will post them on the FCS Instagram so you can inspire one another. I know you all do really fun things and sometimes we just need to remind one another of what we can do together in winter!

Have fun and stay cozy!



Cookie Love Orders Due Monday December 9th! This is a really important fundraiser for us and (so far) we are not meeting our goal, so please consider buying Cookie Dough for friends and families if that works for you!  

FCS PTO PayPal donation link (you do not need PayPal to use the link, it allows you to pay with a card.)


From now until spring, our students need to have a hat, gloves, snow pants and a jacket here at school. All students should have an extra indoor outfit at school in case they get their clothes wet. We have had some chilly students recently.

We don't have enough snow pants/snow suits for 5-8 year old students to lend out when needed, so if you have extras to donate, we will happily accept them. 


Wednesday, December 11th Early Release Day & Words in the Wild Expeditions

*The weather for Wednesday is currently forecast as rainy. We will still have our outdoor adventures (if it is possible) so please send rain jackets and an extra set of clothes.

Wednesday, December 11th Community Morning 7:55-8:20

Friday, December 13th Family Winter Luncheon (RSVP Here by Monday Dec. 9)

Tuesday, December 17th Tech F.A.S.T.(Tech Free After School Tuesdays) 5:30-7:00

December 23- January 1 Winter Vacation
